Source code for hyperlearn.solvers

from .linalg import *
from .base import *
from .utils import _svdCond, _float, _XTX, _XXT, fastDot
from .numba import lstsq as _lstsq
from .big_data import LSMR
from numpy import newaxis, cumsum, sqrt, hstack
from .big_data.randomized import randomizedSVD
from .big_data.truncated import truncatedEig

__all__ = ['solve', 'solveCholesky', 'solveSVD', 'solveEig', 'solvePartial', 'lstsq',

[docs]def solve(X, y, tol = 1e-6, condition_limit = 1e8, alpha = None, weights = None, copy = False, non_negative = False, max_iter = None): """ [As of 12/9/2018, an optional non_negative argument is added. Note as accurate as Scipy's NNLS, by copies ideas from gradient descent.] [NOTE: as of 12/9/2018, LSMR is default in HyperLearn, replacing the 2nd fastest Cholesky Solve. LSMR is 2-4 times faster, and uses N less memory] >>> WEIGHTS is an array of Weights for Weighted / Generalized Least Squares [default None] >>> theta = (XT*W*X)^-1*(XT*W*y) Implements extremely fast least squares LSMR using orthogonalization as seen in Scipy's LSMR and [LSMR: An iterative algorithm for sparse least-squares problems] by David Fong, Michael Saunders. Scipy's version of LSMR is surprisingly slow, as some slow design factors were used (ie np.sqrt(1 number) is slower than number**0.5, or min(a,b) is slower than using 1 if statement.) ALPHA is provided for regularization purposes like Ridge Regression. Speed -------------- This algorithm works well for Sparse Matrices as well, and the time complexity analysis is approx: X.T @ y * min(n,p) times + 3 or so O(n) operations ==> O(np)*min(n,p) ==> either min(O(n^2p + n), O(np^2 + n)) *** Note if Weights is present, complexity increases. Instead of fitting X^T*W*X, fits X^T/sqrt(W) So, O(np+n) is needed extra. This complexity is much better than Cholesky Solve which is the next fastest in HyperLearn. Cholesky requires O(np^2) for XT * X, then Cholesky needs an extra 1/3*O(np^2), then inversion takes another 1/3*(np^2), and finally (XT*y) needs O(np). So Cholesky needs O(5/3np^2 + np) >> min(O(n^2p + n), O(np^2 + n)) So by factor analysis, expect LSMR to be approx 2 times faster or so. Memory -------------- Interestingly, the Space Complexity is even more staggering. LSMR takes only maximum O(np^2) space for the computation of XT * y + some overhead. *** Note if Weights is present, and COPY IS TRUE, then memory is DOUBLED. Hence, try setting COPY to FALSE, memory will not change, and X will return back to its original state afterwards. Cholesky requires XT * X space, which is already max O(n^2p) [which is huge]. Essentially, Cholesky shines when P is large, but N is small. LSMR is good for large N, medium P Weighted Least Squares ------------------------ Theta_hat = (XT * W * X)^-1 * (XT * y) In other words in gradient descent / iterative solves solve: X * sqrt(W) * theta_hat = y * sqrt(W) or: X*sqrt(W) ==> y*sqrt(W) """ if len(y.shape) > 1: if y.shape[1] > 1: print("LSMR can only work on single Ys. Try fitting 2 or more models.") return if weights is not None: if len(weights.shape) > 1: if weights.shape[1] > 1: print("Weights must be 1 dimensional.") return weights = weights.ravel()**0.5 W = weights[:,newaxis] if copy: X = X*W y = y*weights else: X *= W y *= weights alpha = 0 if alpha is None else alpha good = False while not good: theta_hat, good = LSMR(X, y, tol = tol, condition_limit = condition_limit, alpha = alpha, non_negative = non_negative, max_iter = max_iter) alpha = ALPHA_DEFAULT if alpha == 0 else alpha*10 # Return X back to its original state if not copy and weights is not None: X /= W y /= weights return theta_hat
[docs]def solveCholesky(X, y, alpha = None, fast = True): """ [Added 23/9/2018 added matrix multiplication decisions (faster multiply) ie: if (XTX)^1(XTy) or ((XTX)^-1XT)y is faster] [Edited 20/10/2018 Major update - added LAPACK cholSolve --> 20% faster] [Edited 30/10/2018 Reduced RAM usage by clearing unused variables] Computes the Least Squares solution to X @ theta = y using Cholesky Decomposition. This is the default solver in HyperLearn. Cholesky Solving is used as the 2nd default solver [as of 12/9/2018, default has been switched to LSMR (called solve)] in HyperLearn, as it is super fast and allows regularization. HyperLearn's implementation also handles rank deficient and ill-conditioned matrices perfectly with the help of the limiting behaivour of adding forced epsilon regularization. Optional alpha is used for regularization purposes. | Method | Operations | Factor * np^2 | |-----------|-----------------|---------------| | Cholesky | 1/3 * np^2 | 1/3 | | QR | p^3/3 + np^2 | 1 - p/3n | | SVD | p^3 + np^2 | 1 - p/n | Speed -------------- If USE_GPU: Uses PyTorch's Cholesky and Triangular Solve given identity matrix. Speed is OK. If CPU: Uses Numpy's Fortran C based Cholesky. If NUMBA is not installed, uses very fast LAPACK functions. Also, uses very fast LAPACK algorithms for triangular system inverses. Stability -------------- Note that LAPACK's single precision (float32) solver (strtri) is much more unstable than double (float64). You might see stability problems if FAST = TRUE. Set it to FALSE if theres issues. """ n,p = X.shape X, y = _float(X), _float(y) XT = X.T covariance = _XTX(XT) if n >= p else _XXT(XT) cho = cholesky(covariance, alpha = alpha, fast = fast) del covariance; covariance = None; # saving memory if n >= p: # Use spotrs solve from LAPACK return cholSolve(cho, XT @ y, alpha = alpha) else: inv = invCholesky(cho, fast = fast) return fastDot(XT, inv, y)
#return fastDot(inv, XT, y) if n >= p else fastDot(XT, inv, y)
[docs]def solveSVD(X, y, n_components = None, alpha = None, fast = True): """ [Edited 6/11/2018 Added n_components for Partial Solving] Computes the Least Squares solution to X @ theta = y using SVD. Slow, but most accurate. Specify n_components to reduce overfitting. Heurestic is 95% of variance is captured, if set to 'auto'. Optional alpha is used for regularization purposes. Speed -------------- If USE_GPU: Uses PyTorch's SVD. PyTorch uses (for now) a NON divide-n-conquer algo. Submitted report to PyTorch: If CPU: Uses Numpy's Fortran C based SVD. If NUMBA is not installed, uses divide-n-conqeur LAPACK functions. Stability -------------- Condition number is: float32 = 1e3 * eps * max(S) float64 = 1e6 * eps * max(S) """ if alpha != None: assert alpha >= 0 alpha = 0 if alpha is None else alpha X, y = _float(X), _float(y) U, S, VT = svd(X, fast = fast) U, S, VT = _svdCond(U, S, VT, alpha) if type(n_components) == float: if n_components > 1: n_components = int(n_components) if n_components == 'auto' or type(n_components) == int: # Notice heuristic of 90% variance explained. s = S / S.sum() s = cumsum(s) if n_components == 'auto': for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] >= 0.9: break else: i = n_components U, S, VT = U[:,:i], S[:i], VT[:i] return fastDot(VT.T * S, U.T, y)
[docs]def solvePartial(X, y, n_components = None, alpha = None, fast = True): """ [Added 6/11/2018] Computes the Least Squares solution to X @ theta = y using Randomized SVD. Much faster than normal SVD solving, and is not prone is overfitting. Optional alpha is used for regularization purposes. """ if alpha != None: assert alpha >= 0 alpha = 0 if alpha is None else alpha if n_components == None or n_components == 'auto': # will provide approx sqrt(p) - 1 components. # A heuristic, so not guaranteed to work. k = int(sqrt(X.shape[1]))-1 if k <= 0: k = 1 else: k = int(n_components) if n_components > 0 else 1 X, y = _float(X), _float(y) U, S, VT = randomizedSVD(X, k) U, S, VT = _svdCond(U, S, VT, alpha) return fastDot(VT.T * S, U.T, y)
[docs]def solveEig(X, y, alpha = None, fast = True): """ [Edited 30/10/2018 Reduced RAM usage by clearing unused variables] Computes the Least Squares solution to X @ theta = y using Eigendecomposition on the covariance matrix XTX or XXT. Medium speed and accurate, where this lies between SVD and Cholesky. Optional alpha is used for regularization purposes. Speed -------------- If USE_GPU: Uses PyTorch's EIGH. PyTorch uses (for now) a non divide-n-conquer algo. Submitted report to PyTorch: If CPU: Uses Numpy's Fortran C based EIGH. If NUMBA is not installed, uses divide-n-conqeur LAPACK functions. Note Scipy's EIGH as of now is NON divide-n-conquer. Submitted report to Scipy: Stability -------------- Condition number is: float32 = 1e3 * eps * max(abs(S)) float64 = 1e6 * eps * max(abs(S)) Alpha is added for regularization purposes. This prevents system rounding errors and promises better convergence rates. """ n,p = X.shape X, y = _float(X), _float(y) XT = X.T covariance = _XTX(XT) if n >= p else _XXT(XT) inv = pinvh(covariance, alpha = alpha, fast = fast) del covariance; covariance = None; # saving memory return fastDot(inv, XT, y) if n >= p else fastDot(XT, inv, y)
[docs]def lstsq(X, y): """ Returns normal Least Squares solution using LAPACK and Numba if installed. PyTorch will default to Cholesky Solve. """ X, y = _float(X), _float(y) return _lstsq(X, y)
[docs]def solveTLS(X, y, solver = 'truncated'): """ [Added 6/11/2018] Performs Total Least Squares based on the implementation in Wikipedia: The naming is rather deceptive, as it doesn't mean it'll yield better results than pure SVD solving. Normal linear regression assumes Y|X has gaussian noise. TLS assumes this AND X|Y has noise. Two solvers - full, truncated. Truncated is much much faster, as smallest eigen component is needed. Full solver uses Eigendecomposition, which is much much slower, but more accurate. """ p = X.shape[1] X, y = _float(X), _float(y) if len(y.shape) > 1: print("solveTLS works only on single column Ys.") return Z = hstack((X, y[:, newaxis])) if solver == 'full': __, V = eig(Z) VXY = V[:p, p] VYY = V[p:, p] else: # Uses truncatedEig V = truncatedEig(Z, 1, which = 'smallest')[1].flatten() VXY = V[:p] VYY = V[p] theta_hat = -VXY / VYY return theta_hat