Source code for hyperlearn.impute.SVDImpute

from numpy import nanmean, nanstd, log1p, isnan, sqrt, nanmin, nan
from ..numba import minimum
from ..linalg import eig
from ..big_data.randomized import randomizedEig
from ..big_data.incremental import partialSVD

[docs]def fit(X, n_components = 'auto', standardise = True, copy = True): """ [Added 31/10/2018] [Edited 2/11/2018 Fixed SVDImpute] Fits a SVD onto the training data by projecting it to a lower space after being intially filled with column means. By default, n_components is determined automatically using log(p+1). Setting too low or too high mirrors mean imputation, and deletes the purpose of SVD imputation. Returns: 1. S singular values 2. VT eigenvectors + mean, std, mins """ n, p = X.shape k = int(sqrt(p)-1) if n_components in ('auto', None) else n_components if k <= 0: k = 1 if k >= p: k = p C = X.copy() if copy else X mask = isnan(X) if standardise: mean = nanmean(X, 0) std = nanstd(X, 0) mins = nanmin(X, 0) std[std == 0] = 1 C -= mean C /= std else: mean, std, mins = None, None, None C[mask] = 0 S, VT = randomizedEig(C, k) S **= 0.5 VT = VT.T if copy == False: C[mask] = nan if standardise: C *= std C += mean return S, VT, mean, std, mins, standardise
[docs]def transform(X, S, VT, mean, std, mins, standardise, copy = True): """ [Added 31/10/2018] [Edited 2/11/2018 FIxed SVDImpute] The fundamental advantage of HyperLearn's SVD imputation is that a .transform method is provided. I do not require seeing the whole matrix for imputation, and can calculate SVD incrementally via the Incremental Module. """ n, p = X.shape D = X.copy() if copy else X mask = isnan(X) if standardise: D -= mean D /= std D[mask] = 0 U, S, VT = partialSVD(D, S, VT, solver = 'randomized') reconstruction = U * S @ VT D[mask] = reconstruction[mask] if standardise: D *= std D += mean for j in range(p): min_ = mins[j] what = D[:,j] what[what < min_] = min_ if copy == False: X[mask] = nan if standardise: X *= std X += mean return D